WeRateDogs + 15/10 Foundation

We are proud to partner with 15/10 Foundation to support their mission of sponsoring dogs with behavioral or medical issues unlikely to ever make it out of the shelter. 

15% of the net proceeds of all regularly priced Tell Your Dog I Said Hi™ products go to the 15/10 Foundation, see some of the dogs we’ve had the privilege of sponsoring thanks to you!



Orbit the dog images

This is Orbit. He was found as a stray with a very round head. His face was swollen due to an infected abscess from an old puncture wound. 

Thanks to your recent support of our 'tell your dog i said hi' merch, the 15/10 foundation was able to sponsor his $4,000 care for antibiotics and to have the abscess drained.

He's fully healed now, and while his head is still very large, it is back to its natural size. We're also happy to report he's found a forever home where he is the center of their universe.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Mac’s Mission located in Jackson, MO for rescuing him!



Mateo the dog images

This is Mateo. He swallowed an entire tennis ball and needed to have it surgically removed. (Honestly we're super impressed he was able to keep it intact.)

Thanks to your recent support of our 'tell your dog i said hi' merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover his $3,500 surgery.

He's on medical hold until he fully heals, and then he'll be ready to find his forever home (preferably one without tennis balls).

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Austin Humane located in Austin, TX for rescuing him!



Otter the dog images

This is Otter. She was living on the streets with a luxating patella and arthritis in her hind knee, making it impossible to use her leg. Vets were concerned if it was left untreated, the arthritis would progress and cause chronic lifelong pain.

Thanks to your recent support of our 'tell your dog i said hi' merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover the $5,400 surgery to repair her knee. 

She's fully healed now and using all of her legs to go on walks with her new forever family.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Muddy Paws Rescue located in New York, NY for rescuing her!



Rachel the dog images

This is Rachel. When she was just 9 weeks old, she and the rest of her littermates were rescued off the streets after their mama sadly died of heat stroke.

Her five siblings (Chandler, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, and Ross) were okay, but Rachel had a rectal prolapse that needed to be fixed.

Thanks to your recent support of our 'tell your dog i said hi' merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover the cost of her $6,000 procedure. She's all healed up now and just landed in her new forever home!

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Animal Pad located in La Mesa, CA for rescuing her!



Sissy the dog images

This is Sissy. She's a 14-year-old Shih Tzu who was being overlooked in a shelter due to her chronic ear infections, dry eyes, and skin allergies.

Thanks to your recent support of our tell your dog i said hi merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to sponsor her ongoing care to live a more comfortable life, and she's now been adopted by a new forever family.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Lucky Dog Animal Rescue located in Arlington, VA for rescuing her!



Mama Dumpling the dog images

This is Mama Dumpling. She got her name because she arrived at the shelter very pregnant. She ended up giving birth to a litter of healthy puppies who all went on to be adopted.

A few months later, she unexpectedly went into anaphylactic shock. She was hospitalized with blood pooling in her abdomen and developed a heart arrhythmia.

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover the $8,500 bill for her care, including diagnostics, medications, and a spay surgery before she went home with her forever family.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Wags & Walks located in Nashville, TN for rescuing her! 



Canine Influenza dogs

These 9 dogs caught canine influenza when one pup, who was pulled from a shelter, brought it along and shared with their new FurKids family.

(We don't know who patient zero was, but they probably thought they were doing a nice thing because sharing is caring.)

Each dog needed supportive care, medication, and fluids to get better. Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to sponsor the $4,500 needed for their full recoveries. 

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, FurKids located in Atlanta, GA for rescuing them!



Noodles the dog images

This is Noodles. She was found as a stray with severe skin allergies and chronic ear infections from her cropped ears. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to sponsor her ear infection treatment as well as ongoing monthly allergy injections.

We're happy to report she's doing much better now, and she's thriving in her new forever home.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Real Good Rescue located in Los Angeles, CA for rescuing her!



Celia the dog images

This is Celia. She was found as a stray with a mass in one ear that caused chronic infections and affected her hearing. 

Thanks to your recent support of our 'tell your dog i said hi' merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover the cost of her $3,000 surgery to have it removed. 

Now that Celia has her hearing back, she can get back to the important things in life, like playing fetch and carrying a stuffed lizard around in her mouth. Best of all, she can hear her new forever family tell her what a good girl she is.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, FurKids located in Atlanta, GA for rescuing her!



Leon the dog images

This is Leon. He's just a puppy who landed in a shelter with a broken leg, likely from getting hit by a car. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover his $5,000 care, including a successful surgery and pain management.

He has officially been adopted and is working very hard at growing his fur back so people will stop making fun of his skinny leg.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Dogwood Animal Rescue located in Santa Rosa, CA for rescuing him!



Oreo the dog images

This is Oreo. She was rescued with swelling around her chest due to an abscess. Without treatment, this could have led to a life-threatening infection and organ damage. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover the cost of her $2,800 care, including both her operation and medication. 

Oreo is now living her happily ever after in a forever home that perfectly suits her sweetness!

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Austin Humane Society located in Austin, TX for rescuing her!



Daisy the dog images

This is Daisy. She's an ancient queen who regrettably lacked access to modern dental care. As a result, she needed every single one of her teeth pulled so she could get back to eating comfortably like the royalty she is. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to be the tooth fairy she needed and cover the cost of her $5,800 surgery. 

Daisy is now happy and healthy and living pain-free with her new family, and we couldn't be happier for her.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Compact Canine Rescue located in Norfolk, VA for rescuing her!



Sully the dog images

This is Sullivan/Sully. When his original owner died, he landed in a shelter where he was diagnosed with Cushing's disease and arthritis.

There's no cure for Cushing's, but thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to step up and sponsor him for $8,000, enough to cover his immediate needs as well as medication management for the rest of his life. 

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Deity Animal Rescue located in Beverly Hills, CA for rescuing him!



Rupert the dog images

This is Rupert. He was a shelter dog who has epilepsy. Because of the ongoing financial costs of his medication alone, many potential adopters were unable to add him to their family. 

Thanks to your recent support of our tell your dog i said hi merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to help sponsor that medication for life. As soon as we did that, he was immediately adopted.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, HIT Living Foundation located in Los Angeles, CA for rescuing him!



Annabeth the dog images

This is Annabeth. She was picked up as a stray in Texas, not putting weight on her back right leg. She had an old break that didn't heal properly, causing her pain. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover her much-needed $3,500 surgery, removing the financial barrier to getting her adopted.

And it worked! After a little embarrassment about her cast, Annabeth is not only pain-free and fully using her leg again, but she also found a forever home with one of her surgery techs.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Austin Humane located in Austin, TX for rescuing her!



Mango the dog images

This is Mango. He was abandoned at a shelter, tied up outside by himself. He was friendly and energetic, but rescuers realized immediately that he needed surgery.

His back left knee had a torn ligament and a luxating patella. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover his entire $11,500 bill. We're pleased to report this bouncy, happy boy has found a forever home to recover in.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, ACCT Philly located in Philadelphia, PA for rescuing him!



Shy Brian the dog images

This is Shy Brian. He arrived at the shelter with severe dental disease and the worst set of teeth we have ever seen. To feel better again he needed like half of his teeth extracted. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover his $3,000 dental care.

And we're so happy to announce this mostly toothless chap has since found a forever home.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Wags and Walks located in Los Angeles, CA for rescuing him!



Cuba Libre the dog images

This is Cuba Libre. He was brought in as a stray after being hit by a car. His hip was clearly causing him pain, and medication management wasn't cutting it.

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to completely cover the $1,300 cost of his corrective surgery. The operation was a success, and the only thing upsetting him now is the embarrassment of a naked leg.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Hearts and Bones Animal Rescue located in Dallas, TX for rescuing him!



mIDNIGHT MUPPET the dog images

This is Midnight Muppet. A good Samaritan found him on the side of a busy street. They opened their car door and he jumped right in. Sadly, nobody ever came forward to claim him.

He needed to be neutered, have surgery for cherry eye, and receive basic veterinary care. Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to fully cover his $1,500 bill after a successful surgery.

He's healthy and happy with a foster family, setting him up for a happily ever after with a future adopter. Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Real Good Rescue, located in Los Angeles, CA for rescuing him!



Greta the dog images

This is Greta. She was picked up as a heartworm-positive stray and was severely emaciated and covered with fleas and scratches.

After putting on some weight and getting flea and heartworm treatments, she still had a bad cough from possible chronic bronchitis, so she's now working on managing those symptoms with medication.

Thanks to your recent support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation is able to cover all of this care, and we're pleased to announce one of the vet techs who's been caring for her has fallen in love and hopes to be her forever foster home.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Austin Humane, located in Austin, Texas for rescuing her!



Poppy the dog images

This is Poppy. She was shot, leaving pellets scattered throughout her body and along her spine. Though her fur and skin healed, she was experiencing some discomfort and gait issues and needed CT scans and surgery to remove the pellets.

Thanks to your support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation was able to cover her $10,000 bill, helping her live the pain-free life she deserves. 

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Wags and Walks, located in Nashville, Tennessee, for rescuing her!



Ralphie the dog images

This is Ralphie. He arrived at the shelter as a stray the day after Christmas. He had a chip, but no one came to claim him.

Abandoned and neglected, the little guy was battling a severe upper respiratory infection that morphed into pneumonia. Antibiotics have helped turn him around, and once he's medically cleared, he'll get the rest of the care he desperately needs, including a dental.

Thanks to your support of our newest tote colors (spun sugar and rose violet), the 15/10 Foundation is able to sponsor Ralphie's treatments, estimated at $3,100, and hopefully help this sweet little sausage find the forever home of his dreams.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Real Good Rescue, located in Los Angeles, California, for rescuing him!



Marcy the dog images

This is Marcy. She's an affectionate senior Maltese mix who was found on the streets of Brooklyn.

She has chronic ear infections, dental disease, and excessive urination. On top of all that, her internal stitches from her spay surgery dissolved too quickly, so she had to be rushed back to the emergency room for an additional surgery. 

Thanks to your support of our merch, the 15/10 Foundation is able to cover the costs of her medical treatment, estimated to run $6,000. 

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, AMA Animal Rescue, located in Brooklyn, New York, for rescuing her!



Hercules the dog images

This is Burger. His complicated combo order includes severe heartworm disease, low blood counts across the board, and being emaciated, plus a side of really brutal ear infections.

But despite it all, he's a sweet and happy meatball, and thanks to your recent support of our merch, we're partnering with the 15/10 Foundation to cover his medical care for life, estimated at $15,000. 

P.S. Extra thanks to the 15/10 Foundation partner One Tail at a Time for rescuing this happy hound!

“Burger is the BEST! He is the kindest, happiest, gentlest giant who's truly never met a stranger - he loves everyone he meets, humans and dogs. His doctors and techs said he is the sweetest boy ever.“



Hercules the dog images

This sweet senior gal has arthritis and Cushing's disease, which means her body overproduces cortisol, giving her a weakened immune system. She'll be on lifelong medication and receive regular bloodwork to monitor her condition. Throughout her diagnosis and care, Lai has proven to be the sweetest, most loving ball of sunshine.

Her human is a veteran with multiple health issues of his own, so One Tail at a Time is ensuring she gets the care she needs (and visits with dad!) until she and her person can be reunited full-time.

Thanks to your recent support of our merchandise, we're proud to be able to sponsor Lai's medical care for life, estimated at $7,000.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, One Tail at a Time located in Chicago, Illinois for rescuing her!



Hercules the dog images

This teeny puppy was just born in October, but he's already had enough health scares for a lifetime.

During his initial assessment, a veterinarian noticed he had a severe heart murmur, and his subsequent bloodwork indicated anemia and a parasitic infection.

But thanks to your recent support of our merch, we're able to cover Fletcher's deworming treatments, echocardiogram, and future cardiology care, to the tune of $12,000.

Huge thanks to the 15/10 Foundation partners at the Austin Humane Society in Austin, Texas for rescuing him! 



pokemon pups images

These 13 chihuahuas, named after Pokémon by their rescuers, were saved from a hoarding situation. They were in need of veterinary care, including deworming treatments, spay/neuter procedures, and preventatives. 

Thanks to the support of our merchandise, we're able to sponsor their intake exams, preventative medications, and spay and neuter procedures for all 13 and their puppies once they're old enough.

Huge thanks to our partner Furkids in Atlanta, Georgia for rescuing them all! 



12 NYACC DOGS images

This is Angel, Tinkerbell, Beans, Beethoven, Dino, Eva, Hazelnut, Isabella, Overton, Peluche, Pretty Letty, and Pumpkin. These 12 friends were all deemed high-risk residents of the Animal Care Centers of New York, where they’ve been treated for everything from pneumonia to dental disease, and diagnosed with hip dysplasia, heart murmurs, and a possible collapsing trachea. 

Combined, their existing and ongoing care is estimated to cost over $25,000. They range in age from 11 months to 14 years, and we’re sponsoring all of them for life through the 15/10 Foundation, thanks to your support of our merchandise in 2023. 

Huge thanks to the Animal Care Centers of New York and Muddy Paws for rescuing them!



Hercules the dog images

This is Hercules. He was hit by a car which injured both of his hips. He was completely non load bearing on his hind legs and was unable to walk. 

Thanks to your support of our merch during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we were able to fully cover the $8,000 bilateral hip surgery he needed. He is still a shy boy learning to trust the world again, but thanks to you all and his loving foster home, he's making progress every day.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Furkids Shelter and Rescue located in Atlanta, Georgia for rescuing her!



Salsa and her friends dog images

This is Salsa. She and her 8 friends, all named after dances by their rescuers, were found in deplorable conditions. 

They were malnourished, and their medical issues include heart conditions, pressure sores, fleas, and dental disease. Combined, their existing and ongoing care is estimated to cost $12,000. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merchandise, 15/10 Foundation is able to cover that entire bill and help these sweet pups move and groove into their new homes. 

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, Austin Humane Society located in Austin, Texas, for rescuing them! 



Raya the dog images

This is Reya. She was found on the street after being hit by a car. 

Her leg was broken beyond repair and required amputation. Her surgery and follow up physical therapy is estimated to cost $13,000. 

Thanks to your recent support of our merchandise, 15/10 Foundation is able to cover her entire bill. We're excited to see her continue to heal, and hope that our sponsorship's removal of financial barriers helps her more easily find a forever home.

Huge thanks to 15/10 Foundation partner, AMA Animal Rescue located in Brooklyn, New York, for rescuing her!


The commercial co-venture campaign between WeRateDogs and 15/10 Foundation is ongoing.
15/10 Foundation
713 Bigley Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302
(888) 541-6550